September 2017

Students of the Week - September 1st

Submitted by sarabeth.johnson on
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Calvin Sweat,Fischer Crane,Noah Jensen,Adelaide Campbell,Porter White,Cassidy Long,Sophia L.,Henry Rich,Josef Paulson,Aliyah Marks,Presley Bird,Jamiseon Chineque,Shaden Steele,Audrey, and Logan Bringhurst

Another Chromebook Cart!

Submitted by sarabeth.johnson on
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The 5th grade is getting good use out of its second chromebook cart!  Here's what two fifth graders have to say about using chromebooks...

Collin Anderson--

I like the fact that we are using Chromebooks in fifth grade.  They are fun to use and very handy when doing research.  The fact that they are fun to use even when doing something that isn’t as fun.  They also are portable unlike the computers in the computer lab which makes it easy to get in groups.  I think that if I were to rate it from one to ten, I’d give it about a twenty-five.


Abigail Peay--

In the fifth grade we use the chromebooks in a lot of fun ways.  One example is we have kidblog which we have some really fun writing assignments.  Some of the writing assignments are writing a summary of a book and people can see your essays and tell you what they think about it.  

Some other fun things are what I’m doing right now.  It is a lot of fun to write and add pictures and also google slides is so much fun.  I love playing math games and typing games on the computers and even though it’s learning it is a lot of fun.  (learning is the best thing ever I love to learn.)  

Mrs. Woods taught us how to make an Adobe Spark.  I did not even know what that was until she showed us.  Mrs. Woods also had a guy (Myles Peterson) come in that should us a bunch of hacks and shortcuts.  

This is only some of the fun things that we have done on the chromebooks.


Collin Anderson, Abigail Peay, Sara Beth Woods