2nd Grade Learns about Honey Bees

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Second grade learning about honey bees.
Second grade learning about honey bees.
Second grade learning about honey bees.
Second grade learning about honey bees.

Thanks to Amanda Gibby for coming and sharing her talent of being a bee keeper. She taught second graders all about bees and how she raises honey bees.

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Bridle Up Hope Facility

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility
Bridle Up Hope Facility

This week the 3rd graders got to go to the Bridle Up Hope Facility that is close to our school. It was a neat experience to see how the facility is ran and what takes place there. They got to learn about the horses that are there, what the horses do, and how to take care of the horses. Big thanks to the Lindley's for letting us come take a tour!

#HobbleCreekElementary #HobbleHawks #NeboSchoolDistrict #DiscoverPowerWithin #NeboHero #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTPublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #BeKindToOneAnother

3rd Grade Track Meet

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
3rd Grade track meet!
3rd Grade track meet!
3rd Grade Track Meet!
3rd Grade Track Meet!
3rd Grade Track Meet!
Winner Amber Smith
Winner Kate Pierce
Winner Sam Johnson
Winners Easton White & Graham Tobler
Winner Madison Craig
Winner Mack Green
Winner Emily Cranford

It was a great day for the 3rd Grade Track Meet. Our students went out, did their best, and had fun doing the events. We are proud of them and their hard work. Great job to all students and congratulations to those who placed in their events. Way to represent Hobble Creek Elementary.

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Track Meet Dates

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Track Meet Dates

Get ready 5th, 4th, & 3rd graders. Here are the dates for the Track Meets.

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STEM Magic Show Assembly

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
STEM Magic Show Assembly.
STEM Magic Show Assembly.
STEM Magic Show Assembly.
STEM Magic Show Assembly.
STEM Magic Show Assembly.

Paul from STEM Action Center Utah did an awesome job during our assembly teaching students about STEM through the art of magic. 

STEM stands for: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math

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Nebo’s Mental Health Series – Building Your Child’s Confidence

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Nebo's Mental Health Series

Nebo’s Mental Health Series – Building Your Child’s Confidence

Attention Nebo Parents
join our Mental Health Series focusing on...
Building Your Child’s Confidence
April 18, 2023
6:00 to 7:00 p.m. via Zoom

Register Here: https://cookcenter.info/NeboApril18

Parents can play a big role in helping their children understand who they are. This session will teach parents strategies they can use to help their children develop a confident and healthy identity by covering:

  • Habits & Patterns
  • Developing traits of resiliency
  • Developing a growth mindset
  • Continuous opportunities for connection


Course Created by:
Dr. Kevin Skinner, LMFT, CSAT, EMDR


#HobbleCreekElementary #HobbleHawks #NeboSchoolDistrict #DiscoverPowerWithin #NeboHero #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTPublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #BeKindToOneAnother

Certified Employees of the Year

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Certified Employees of the Year, Ms. McFeehan and Ms. Miner

Hobble Creek had two awards for Outstanding Employee Recognition. Ms. Jill McFeehan and Ms. Hilary Miner are two well deserving employees. Ms. McFeehan is one of our reading specialist who helps students in their reading. Ms. Miner is our custodian who does an amazing job keeping our school cleaned, maintained, and helping students when needed. We really appreciate both ladies and their hard work they put into our school and students each day. This is a recognition of a continued dedication to the students and faculty. Congratulations to both of them!

#HobbleCreekElementary #HobbleHawks #NeboSchoolDistrict #DiscoverPowerWithin #NeboHero #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTPublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #BeKindToOneAnother

Polygon Robots

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.
Drawing Polygon Robots in 3rd grade.

Polygon Robots in 3rd Grade. Third graders are learning geometry in math. They are learning about polygons and quadrilaterals. They got to go outside and create polygon robots with chalk. 

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5th Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.
Fifth graders presenting at the wax museum.

5th Grade Wax Museum- Fifth graders did such a great job at their wax museum. They became an expert on a certain person in our history and then presented who they were to the rest of the school and families. 


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Spring Break April 3rd-7th

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on
Spring Break April 3rd-7th

We hope you all have a fun and safe Spring Break. We will see you back on April 10th!!

#HobbleCreekElementary #HobbleHawks #NeboSchoolDistrict #DiscoverPowerWithin #NeboHero #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTPublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #BeKindToOneAnother